[Thread] Interesting conversation today between French Defense Minister @florence_parly and @dgapev @D_Schwarzer & @Ce_Moll on the French vision for European defense. Gives a useful overview of French defense priorities ahead of our Presidency of the EU.
1/ The starting point: As recently stressed by 🇫🇷 Strategic Update, Europeans « cannot make the mistake to take peace for granted » and must act together to address mounting security challenges, from terrorism to power competition. https://twitter.com/morcos_pierre/status/1352342412912418823?s=20
2/ The ambition: Against this backdrop, Europeans should move from « abstract debates to pragmatic action » and ensure that Europe is able to « protect its citizens and interests ».
This ambition is fully compatible with a strong transatlantic alliance. First, because « NATO is and will remain the cornerstone of the collective defense of the European continent » and France « attaches great importance to this alliance ».
Second, and more importantly, because « by having more capabilities and being more able and willing, Europeans will be better Allies ». « One of the key objectives is to be able to act alongside with the United States ».
3/ The achievements: Florence Parly mentioned the important steps forward Europeans made last year, notably under the German Presidency: the launch of the Strategic Compass, the allocation of significant fundings to defense within the European multi-annual financial framework …
… the agreements on the European defense fund and the participation of third states to the Permanent structured cooperation.
4/ The next steps: In close coordination with Germany and the Portuguese and Slovenian Presidencies, France will focus on the following priorities under its presidency:

- Finalize the Strategic Compass which would enable Europeans to have a shared view of European defense.
- Ensure that Europeans maintain and even increase their budgetary efforts despite the COVID-19 crisis.
- Pursue European engagement in the Sahel, notably in favor of the training of and assistance to local armies.
- Forster the interoperability between European armed forces and the links between European industries.
- Strengthen European mobilization in maritime spaces, from its immediate neighborhood (Med Sea) to more distant ones (the Indo-Pacific).
- Increase European cooperation in the cyberspace (to better protect from and respond to cyber attacks) and in the outer-space (to maintain freedom of access to and use of space).
5/ The Franco-German engine: Florence Parly insisted on the importance of the Franco-german cooperation to effectively move this European agenda forward.
While recognizing that this partnership has inevitably encountered « ups and downs », she believes in the virtue of joint action to overcome disagreements. https://twitter.com/dgapev/status/1361337472857300995?s=20
As there are growing doubts over the future of the FCAS (Future Combat Air System) project, French Defense Minister stressed that this project was not only an « incredible ambitious technological object » but also a decisive step toward an ambitious and credible European defense.
Ongoing discussions between Paris and Berlin will have to fine-tune the principles agreed on in 2017 of the « best athletes » and of « clear leadership ». At the end of the day, Florence Parly believes that « reason will prevail ». [End]
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