Many of us have been at this SPAC game for < 6 months. When you see someone posting about 3-4x gains, don’t get discouraged if you can’t say the same. Everyone has a different level of risk tolerance, expertise/experience, discretionary time, luck, etc 1/x
Focus on learning as much as you can from the #SPACsquad with the time you have available, and build your own trading/investing strategy that works for you. It’s amazing what you can pick up from people on Twitter and other forums if you figure out how to filter the noise 2/x
Use the #SPACsquad as a massive stock scanner engine, but don’t trade blindly. Make your picks after doing your own research. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, but scale positions to match your conviction and overall risk tolerance 3/x
I’ve been able to substantially grow a portion of idle cash with no more than 10% overall downside at any given time. I’m locking in profits, protecting downside through stop orders, and the built in $10 NAV value floor (for most SPACs). 4/x
I’m not executing a high volume of trades and may go a full day without following markets due to family and work commitments. I pick tickers that I’ll be able to manage without having to worry if I’m “offline” 5/x
While I’ve no doubt sacrificed some upside, I could access the $ at any time without disrupting my strategy. This approach has worked well for me and is allowing me to hit goals without having to worry about a correction 6/x
I’ve also been able to snag positions in some high profile SPACs that I believe will be long term holds past merger to grow my wealth. Those gains aren’t reflected in my portfolio today, but I believe they will be in the future 7/x
I’m learning a ton about trading/execution and will be better positioned as a (long term) investor AND (short term) trader. Hard to quantify, but I believe this will pay dividends in the future 8/x
Moral of the story: stick with it, figure out your risk/reward, learn as much as you can from this amazing retail trading/investing community that was not available to our parents, develop a strategy that works for you, and don’t use stock gurus as your benchmark

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