The Journey From 9-5 To Entrepreneur

Is Your Career Holding you Back?

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You worked hard to build your career.

- Went to school
- Got degrees and diplomas
- Did internships and entry-level jobs
- Built a resume.

Are your wages keeping up?

Often the answer is No.

Does it matter?
Salary might not be the most critical aspect of your job.

But by the time you are in your 30s, with:

- Marriage
- Having kids
- Buying a house

Your bills look different from your dorm days.

Expenses creep up and your wage makes a huge difference.
Either your paycheck has to catch up, or you experience a crisis.

You have 3 options at this point:

1. Get a raise
2. A higher paying job
3. Create a side hustle.

Let's discuss each of the options.
Option 1: Beg your current boss for a raise.

- If you worked Your butt off
- And your manager wants to keep you
- And the economy is doing ok.

You maybe get a 3-5% raise.
Option 2: You can move to a different job.

Moving your job always gets you a bigger raise than staying.

You can achieve a 15-50% increase in salary.

I know people who doubled their salary when they changed jobs.
Option 3: Start a side hustle.

This is what I did, and it worked for me.

First, it supplements your income.

Eventually, your side hustle income exceeds your day job.

At that point, you can continue as is or make the hustle your main hustle.
Starting out, most people have these doubts:

1. What do I work on?
2. Why would someone pay me?
3. Do I have the skills to make it happen?
4. How will I sell what I build?

Let's address each of these doubts one by one.
1. What do I work on?

Study other successful people and how they made it.

Go to Reddit, Twitter, Blogs.


- What comes naturally to me?
- How can I put my unique spin on it?
- How can I package it?.
2. Why would someone pay me?

People pay for value.

Find out:

- What problems people have.
- How can I solve them suitably.
- How to offer a compelling solution.
3. Do I have the skills to make it happen?

If you don't have the skills, you can always learn from:

- Books.
- YouTube
- Online Courses

Like @naval said

There are countless options.

If you need specific suggestions, DM me.
4. How will I sell what I build?

Network with like-minded people in your space.

20 firm believers are all you need.

They will:

- Encourage
- Recommend
- Amplify your voice

If each of your believers gets you 5 customers, that's 100 sales for you.

That's a good start.
Outgrow your resume.

Embrace the Side Hustle.

Don't let your 9-5 hold you back.

Work your way out of the Rat Race.

Set yourself free from financial struggle.
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