Man, I don't miss the side effects I had from mirtazapine, but I really miss having a sleep medication that let me sleep through the night, and wake up with the rest of the household, instead of sleeping lightly and waking up four to six hours before anyone else.
Like, y'all have any idea how difficult it is to synchronize yr schedules and yr life to partners and roommates in cohabitation, when you are always up hours before they are, ready to do things and burning energy before they're even awake? Fed up with it.
I'm always exhausted, physically and mentally, by the time dinner rolls around and it's time to do prep and cook and then chill with everybody else for a couple of hours before bed. Our social time is always when I'm the most drained, the least awake and present. It hurts, tbh.
editing an hour later to add: I ended up talking about these problems w/ my partner, and we devised some ways to attempt to address or mitigate some of them. I feel really good about that, and I think it's a useful note to add here.
Useful for me to remember that often, it's better for me to find a way to communicate these frustrations and pains I'm feeling to my partner, so that we can find ways to at least attempt to address them, and also a useful reminder that doing so is possible!
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