You can reasonably assume that the current fee structure in the dapp universe will make the following things true:

1. Scams/Rug on Ethereum will become less common due to high cost of deploying contracts

2. The scams that DO happen on Mainnet take a larger haul.
This is because the investors that would still be into private sales/pre-sales on ETH Mainnet won't be the ones going in with a fraction of ETH. They'll be whales. And fewer launches means fewer waters to whale in.
On the other hand, blossoming chains with lower deployment cost ought to be seeing more scams/rugs, but less overall aped in. They are the small-fish markets for people who want to roll the dice, but can't afford $200 gas fees for aping in.
Stay safe, folks, and know which waters you're swimming in. Adjust risk tolerance accordingly.
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