Okay my friends, I’m on my soap box again.
I want ever resister to have thousands of followers,each of us to have a large ,loud voice for 2022 and bring new resisters into the movement. 😁👊🌊
Please vet and follow anyone who responds to this tweet and follow back! #Resisters
There are a lot of people responding to this thread ...YAY!!! 😁👏👏👏 👏👏👏so we will have to be a little patient with follow backs. It,I gut take a few days!🌊🌊🌊💙💙💙 #ResistersUnite #wecare
Please follow everyone who comments on this thread.😁and follow back..👍 I know it will take time but we can do it. Don’t wait to be followed, jump in and follow, you’ll get your follow back! 🌊💙 we are building our movement with each follow! #ResistersUnite YAY! 😁👏👏👏
Jump in Resisters! Don’t wait to be followed ,go ahead and follow people on this thread. Most will follow back. 😁If you wait to just follow back you are missing the point of this thread, we support each other. If some don’t follow back, you can delete them later if you want. 💙
You can follow @PCee52.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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