So this is something I run into from time to time: UfYH is made to be disability/neurodiversity/mental illness-friendly, but every challenge and tweet may not be possible for everyone. It may be too physically demanding or pose executive function challenges, etc.
And while I try to remind people as often as possible to modify challenges to fit with your life and circumstances, that warning doesn’t get attached to every tweet because of space constraints.
So people get (understandably!) angry with me for suggesting they do things they aren’t able to do, and they often don’t follow me, so aren’t already aware of UfYH and what it’s all about.
And every time this happens, I give serious thought to figure out how I can be more accessible, less ableist, more inclusive. And I’m afraid I haven’t found the answer for how to make every tweet fully inclusive. But I don’t want anyone to think I don’t take this seriously.
The one thing I can say is that I take this feedback seriously, and I am constantly revisiting my methods and advice to see how I can grow and do better. Lots of early UfYH stuff was terrible that way, but I’ve tried very hard to learn and grow over the last decade.
So this is on one level an apology, because I have not yet figured out how to give advice that doesn’t exclude someone in one way or another, and on another level a reaffirmation that I’m going to keep trying.
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