Americans are so hardwired for capitalism, we would rather invent ridiculously complex technology to eliminate drivers, under pretense of safety, rather than do a single thing to make our existing human drivers better at driving, reducing road deaths *NOW* w/o "beta tests"
Like we worship capitalism, and capitalists, so much. We worship "founders" so much (even when they aren't founders) that we just listen to them about what's good for the planet, even when all they want to do is sell you something to buy another G6 or fly another rocket.
They have everyone convinced that government regulations are the *real problem* and *only I, lone capitalist* can get through the system to fix it. But in order to fix it, i'm gonna have to get hella rich, or it's not worth doing.
And if someone in government says that "in other countries they have very strict licensing standards, vehicle inspection standards, and very low road deaths, maybe those are related?" folks shout SOCIALISM!
No we definitely can't make it harder to get and keep a license. We definitely can't allocate funds to the well-established science of "durable, clearly marked roads." We definitely can't make sure to include things like tire safety inspections. CARS WILL DRIVE THEMSELVES!
But if i'm gonna improve the planet and build cars that drive themselves, i'm gonna have to leave the chokehold state of california for a state with looser environmental laws. Because these rules about what's good for the planet are fucking bullshit when you're saving the planet
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