There is so much misinformation about thinking disguised as different perspectives towards thinking.

That is why I am here to tell you what MYTHS there are about thinking

WARNING: this THREAD is extremely useful!
Let's start with the definition of thinking:

Cambridge Dictionary: "The activity of using your mind to consider something"
There have been so many late nights when I have sat up late 'thinking' to myself.

I am a thinker, I like to reflect on all things in life and this makes me a very attentive person.

What's important is how accurate we are in understanding what thinking actually is.
1. Thinking means any activity you participate in your mind.

Emotions that we feel in our minds can not be considered thinking the same way that we consider our options when choosing between chocolate bar A and chocolate bar B.

E.G. Worrying and visualising are not thinking
2. Thinking is automatic.

Thinking is a deliberate action taken to attain knowledge.

Some activities in the mind are automised in the subconscious to free up space in the conscious mind.
3. We are what we think.

It would be more accurate to say that we are what we do.

Nobody can remember what somebody thought, but we can remember what somebody did because we associate that person with their actions.
Thoughts can not be recorded but our actions can be.

Although thinking is not what we are it does define who we become.
4. Listing beliefs is thinking

Your beliefs are the solidified results of previous thinking due to repetition of conclusions and assumptions.

When people say "I think this..." or "I think that..." they are not thinking but they are listing their beliefs.
5. Thinking can trap you.

Nobody can be trapped by thinking, but being stuck in a thought-loop is possible.

Going round in circles is not thinking. Being trapped in a thought-loop is a result of refusal to let go of a disproven idea.
6. The mind is a prison

Thinking is actually a way out because they only become trapped because of poor mental habits which are automated in the core processing unit of the mind.

By thinking we can start to reassess our own thinking habits and make sense of our thoughts.
7. You can think too much

If somebody is thinking too much it is unlikely the activity they are participating in is thinking.

If done properly thinking should achieve its goals to identify knowledge and arrive at conclusions.

Inefficient thinking achieves nothing.
8. Thinking is done by the heart

Yes, we have strong and deep connections between the heart and mind but it is a long shot to say that our hearts think.

The mistake we make is that emotions provide us with information, which they do not.
9. The heart should rule the head.

We can feel all sorts of things with our hearts.

But they do not give us objective or logical information. And we can not make decisions on what to do based on this.
10. Trust your intuition or gut

Your mind is programmed with previous experiences, conclusions and beliefs which are automatically called upon in the day to day habitual thinking.
The gut is where we experience the physical effects of our emotions which are influenced by our thoughts offered by the subconscious mind.

This is like taking guidance from a Sat Nav with out of date maps.
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