My government created a list that an estimated 310,000 of my brothers & sisters died on, and the folks who did it kept their jobs and were paid bonuses.
My government intentionally holds research for 70 years while people afflicted with chemicals they used die to reduce the pool.
My government continues to deny science on matters relating to GWS, Burn Pits, and now COVID.
My government makes political decisions not scientific ones.
My government will step over American bodies to make themselves richer & more powerful.
Now why should I not be paranoid?
My government knowingly dumped chemicals into water systems that poisoned both their own troops & their families.
My government stood by & denied involvement when accused.
Why should I not be paranoid?
My government buried toxic materials then sold it for a subdivision
My government experimented on troops & minorities.
My government has used gun control to quell minorities.
My government has drone striked American citizens without due process.
Why should I not be paranoid?
My government allowed cities to burn,& citizens to be killed while cheering the arsonists.
My government only took action to defend themselves & are still doing so to this day.
My government protected its own interests while people died.

Why should I not be paranoid?
My government bailed out arsonists, looters & watched as people suffered.
My government made backroom deals & insider trading to enrich themselves.
My government has members that avoid paying the taxes we are prosecuted for.

Why should I not be paranoid?
My government spies on its own citizens.
My government skips due process for its own interests.
My government digitally tracks its citizens.
My government seeks to categorize each and everyone.
My government wants “loyalty checks”

Why should I not be paranoid?
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