Here’s some perspective for us all:

Had #DonaldTrump NOT incited a murderous, seditious riot on 1/6, today he would be an impeached ex “president” golfing on our dime in Florida.

Essentially an afterthought to a nation fighting a pandemic that his incompetence made worse.
His incitement of a murderous, seditious riot on his way out the door has not changed his place in American History. He has further sullied his own disgusting name and caused even more suffering & death as his last act as “President” but his place in history is unchanged.
The name #DonaldTrump will forever be tied to incompetence, cruelty, sexual assault, white supremacist racism, crime and mass suffering & death. He’s earned that. His rancid seed will carry the stain — they’ve earned that too.

But we, the people, will move on. Guys, We HAVE to.
The wounds that hateful cretin reopened and stoked in this nation will take years to suture.

But guess what? White supremacy has always been an abscess on the “soul” of this country.

I’m old enough to know that it’s never going away because it benefits those in power.
But still WE rise.

And by we, in this instance, I mean all the decent people that actual care about others — even those unlike us (imagine that!) — and endeavor to make this nation a place where all are welcome & where everybody can thrive.

We still rise. We will always rise.
Let the hateful stew in the muck. Let them spew nonsense and sow mayhem. That’s what they do. That’s what evil has always done.

But evil only wins when the good get stuck in that mire or give up completely and surrender the world to it.

We will NOT do that. We can’t.
Lick your wounds. Declare that it’s unfair and hateful and evil, because everything that thing did and got away with, is.

Then, sweep his orange ass into the dustbin of history where the wretched belong and refocus on rebuilding what we have that’s good.

There’s a lot. ❤️
One of my favorite people @BerniceKing, will always —even in the midst of the fight — bring it back to what it’s truly all about, and that’s #Love.

Our love for each other is our weapon. Our love is the Light.

WE know it matters.
WE know that is our power.
And let me be clear, this is not a kumbayah, cry for unity moment.

Trust, I want every bit of darkness brought to light, every criminal act unearthed AND EVERY perpetrator charged & jailed.

That can be true & necessary & right & #Love can still be the way forward.

You can be angry. You can be tired. You can be sad that the cretins always seem to slither away unscathed.

But seem is the word. It’s not over. But again, forget that clown.

This is about US & how WE move forward.

We do that by getting back to the good work we know to do.
And for those who are already fixing their fingers to type a “Yeah, but...” reread this thread.

What I said is very clear & well-thought out. I promise your “issue” is addressed in one of these tweets.

And if it’s not, you may not be in the “WE” I referenced.

To that I say:
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