THREAD: I lived in Wisconsin my entire life (til college). I’ve gone to school when the windchill is -30. Mom didn’t make me bring a winter jacket until the temperature hit single digits. But now I live in Fort Worth, TX.
I’ve seen a lot of people from the north talking shit about how the south is handling the cold/ice/snow, and I think we need to clarify a few things.

1) You’re right, it’s not that cold in comparison to Wisconsin winters. BUT. Houses here aren’t insulated to handle this.
My heat can’t keep up with the cold, and our house is frigid. I never experienced that in Wisconsin.

2) The pipes here aren’t insulated to handle the cold. Our kitchen sink has been frozen for 2 days now despite us dripping the sink. We can’t wash dishes or cook easily.
3) We got several inches of snow yesterday, but there are no snowplows or salt trucks. The roads are awful, and will stay awful, until it melts. There’s no other option.

4) People don’t know how to drive in cold/snowy conditions because they’ve never had to.
What seems like common knowledge to northerners is completely foreign here. It’s dangerous to be out driving, even as the person who knows what she’s doing.

5) Very few people have appropriate clothing to be outside for any amount of time.
I woke up to a windchill of -17. That temperature sucks when you’re in boots, snow pants, jacket, hat, and gloves. But we’re out here with 4 sweatshirts, 2 pairs of sweatpants, and socks on our hands as gloves. (I left alllll my snow gear in WI- it has never been needed here)
I guess my point is I understand why people are laughing at the south right now, but maybe take a moment to consider the circumstances that make this a very different situation for the south. People are losing power. They are talking about rolling blackouts. The roads are trash.
It’s dangerous for Texas right now, and a little empathy would go a long way.
Wow! I’m so glad this comparison resonated with so many people and made it easier for others to understand the potential severity of this situation. Stay warm, stay safe, and check in on the people around you!!
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