The avalanche of support in recent days for @JaniceDean and a small number of others working to expose Cuomo and the cover-up has been extraordinary. He should be held accountable (not least because he told us to!), but we should not forget the medics who gave him counsel.

The advice from his health care team demonstrates the way throwaway culture dominates contemporary secular medicine. He wasn't the only governor given such advice. Too many powerful people in medicine see the elderly (especially those with dementia) as throwaway populations.

A dismissive attitude toward this population has seeped into the broader culture, one which unsurprisingly leads to more support of physician-assisted killing and euthanasia. We are telling them they don't matter, so could it be a surprise that pushes for PAK are multiplying?

I'll be testifying virtually at a hearing in CT on this later this month. CA is now forcing physicians to participate in PAK. Overseas, the Netherlands is seeing the highest growth among in PAK of people--wait for it--who are over 80 in nursing homes.

I recently asked my bioethics students to wrestle with the fact that so many physicians joined the Nazi party compared to the rest of the country. And, indeed, with the role that US-style eugenics played here.

There are important lessons for us today.

So, yes, hold Cuomo accountable. But let's not let the medical establishment off the hook in New York or anywhere else.

Great reporters like @NPRJoeShapiro @sherifink have done great work on this issue already, but we need more to uncover the size and scope of the problem.

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