This thread presents a lot of helpful information as to how we got here. The government moved the goalposts dramatically for asthmatics after many have been shielding all year on NHS advice.
Their reasons are based on compiled data about asthmatics being less likely to die from Covid. Sounds great. But the study does not factor in how many of us shielded. The decision ignores many studies that show we are more likely to be hospitalised, intubated, & have long Covid.
A good thread here from @TristanCorkPost
This could become a burden on the NHS. It's also unusual that of all the vulnerable groups in group 6, asthmatics are the only ones being culled based on mortality stats. People with respiratory illness are to be vaccinated alongside healthy peers, why?
(Arguably) Because it drastically cuts the numbers in group 6, making vaccine targets easier to hit &the rumoured relaxing of lockdown in April within reach. Asthmatics, still listed as clinically vulnerable by the NHS, will now be expected to go to work & survive until Autumn.
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