actually clubhouse blh masuk tanpa invite, as long as your friend ada save your phone number dlm phone dia. reason dia buat mcm ni sbb nk elakkan lambakkan fake acc yg mcm kita tgk kat ig, fb and twitter. by doing this only your friend can verify that your acc is legit (Thread)
basically concept dia sama jgk mcm linkedin. they want real people kat situ and bukannya bot or fake acc. sbb tu mostly semua orang guna nama penuh
app ni masih lagi mentah, aku guna pn bnyk kali dpt error msg. for the time being dia enroll kat ios dulu, dah stable baru masuk android. bukan sbb app kayangan ke apa. no elite whatsover pun. cuma app ni belum ready utk fully roll out je lg
i believe once dh masuk android pn diaorg still akan maintain method sama, which is by invite or approval from friend list. actually benda ni bagus, sbb IG pn struggle nk kawal lambakkan fake acc
in terms of content, ada mcm2 topic or random rooms you can join to discuss. ada topic heavy, and ada topic fun2. Example:
basically benda ni blh jadi competitor to radio and also podcast, sbb org lagi prefer utk dgr live conversation, no filter whatsoever. also yg best sbb you can connect with anyone in the world
ada dua main benefits yg aku nampak kat clubhouse. first, blh train diri sendiri utk develop talking skills. mcm mana nk bg opinion, nak terima feedback, nak handle crowd, nak handle flow of conversation. kalau jd moderator/host lagi berdebar
second, sini tempat utk build networking and get the know the community. so far dah bnyk gile benda baru aku belajar kat sini. and bnyk stories and struggles i heard from other people yg blh jadikan pengajaran
ada org share kejayaan, ada org share pasal dia hilang kerja, ada org share story kehilangan ahli keluarga. you will be surprised bila dengar story dari setiap stranger yang you meet on this app
therefore, once you dah boleh masuk app ni, utilize semua rooms yg ada. interact, ask questions, share your opinions. this app gonna be bigggggg anytime soon 🙌🏻
You can follow @khairulaming.
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