Quick tips for sub zero weather from Minnesota.

1. LAYERS especially outside, but inside, too.

Tune your body temp so your core stays warmest, but protect extremities. (Yay masks!)
2. Your car hates this!!!

Don't use it if you can.

Even antifreeze is only rated down to about -20. Water in your radiator is solid ice.

If it can start, let it warm up a lot before driving.
3. Bring your pets in!!!

Like maybe a Huskie can handle this, but they're not accustomed to it like Alaskan's dogs, just be nice to them.
One more thing on cars, the biggest risk is the battery.

Hybrids will charge slower, gas car batteries drain faster.

If you're out and it won't start you'll probably need a jump. Up here most of us have a thing you can plug into the wall to keep it charged in this weather.
Also, if you've never used your chimney fireplace, don't use it now.

At worst it will catch fire and burn your place down. More likely it will be blocked in some way and you'll fill your house with carbon monoxide.

Massive blanket pile is a better choice!
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