What Is Dark Energy ?

More is unknown than is known. We know how much dark energy there is because we know how it affects the universe's expansion. Other than that, it is a complete mystery.
But it is an important mystery. It turns out that roughly 68% of the universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 27%. The rest - everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds up to less than 5% of the universe.
This diagram reveals changes in the rate of expansion since the universe's birth 15 billion years ago. The more shallow the curve, the faster the rate of expansion. The curve changes noticeably about 7.5 billion years ago, when objects in the universe began flying apart as
a faster rate. Astronomers theorize that the faster expansion rate is due to a mysterious, dark force that is pulling galaxies apart.


The verses of Taittiriya Aranyaka say that only one pada of the Lord
is this manifested universe and the remaining three padas are outside it.

According to the observations and realizations of ancient seers, nearly eighty percent of this universe is yet of unknown nature which remains inactive during the process of creation (rather, evolution).
This inactive matter may be treated as dark matter (or dark energy).

In Nasadiya sutra of Rigveda also there is a mention of this inactive matter as: ‘Nothing existed prior to creation of universe, neither shape nor size nor kind nor even the light.
The impenetrable darkness was filled with an unknown, unmovable fluid which was static and inactive (dark matter). In Samkhya philosophy also it is mentioned:

‘Naavastuni vastu siddhi’

which means that only life and inert fluid (dark matter) existed before creation.
Manusmrti also refers to this inactive (dark) matter: ‘In the beginning it was dark, inert, imperceptible, inexpressible unique matter which manifested in various form at various times according to its own will’
Regarding the instantaneous creation of the dynamic universe Rigveda says: ‘Yadkrandah prathamam prathamaam jaayamaana udyanat’smudraad ut vapureesaat, Syenasya paksaa harnaasya baahu upastuyam mahijaatamam te arvan.’
Which mean that Powerful arose with the speed of falcon and several galaxies with central Hirangarbha came into existence from the invisible fluid (dark matter) filled in the space and became the cause of Prakriti with three attributes.
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