First DD on an alt coin. First and foremost, I give you $AMP. @amptoken is on the flexa network. So what that does is basically eliminate the need for third party transaction fees. Now let's take a company like @Walmart who pays billions annually for these credit &debit fees
So with the use of @flexa give business and companies a direct to consumer approach when it comes to payments. So what @amptoken does is guarantee a consumers purchase using @flexa .. instantly no lag no wait. Now with the merging of two large payment companies
Cardtronics and NCR. Let me take a step back and say NCR already uses the @flexa network now migrating that with cardtronics is huggge. But this is the big one coming this summer the shopify plugin that will let you use specific decentralized currency #defi as a form of payment
Part will drop this afternoon focusing on decentralized currency as a payment and potential growth for small, med, and large sized business
If you'd like this thread to turn into a sub stack like follow and comment
Part 3 of DD will be the relationship between @amptoken @FlexaHQ and @Gemini
Don't forget to like, comment, retweet and follow for more DD TO come this week involving NCR and the CARDTRONICS merger!!
You can follow @Clus1986.
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