Larry Kramer: “I find I only have two emotions any more. Grief and rage” (From “The American People Vol 2”). A book about the AIDS epidemic. An emotional range that still pertains today with COVID. Or ought to. Instead we have self-congratulationary glee about vaccine rollout >
Thereby ignoring the impact and meaning of some 110,000+ deaths, because we the living are going to be alright thank you Jack. Unless one of those was a friend, love or family member. Grief and rage, where is it? >
We are likely to end up with half the fatalities of Spanish Flu in the UK. A century more advanced in medical knowledge and technology. I was named the Spanish Flu, because the US Gov didn’t want to alarm its citizens about its spread a home. Like Trump’s Chinese Flu. >
Govs have seemingly learned little from Spanish Flu pandemic, AIDS epidemic and now COVID as it’s their decisions that are ramping up the death rate far higher than it needed to be. And these wrongheaded decisions are informed by ideological commitments to libertarian freedoms
RIP Larry Kramer x
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