"The story of why people are leaving California will dominate upcoming political campaigns," our fearless correspondent declares, because longtime Californians getting priced out by this guy and his compatriots sure didn't for the last ten years
That might be a little unfair; it's not like there hasn't been coverage of skyrocketing rents and gentrification. But jesus, imagine looking at everything that's happening and deciding that "gentrifiers moving on" is The Great Tragedy Of Our Day
The thinking behind this series really crystallizes why so many California Democrats are the absolute worst: the best thing that ever happened to the Bay Area, in their opinion, was tech money moving in and forcing out all the yucky people who lived there
There's something, too, abut how the figure of the "ex-Californian"--which the writer is trying really really hard to politicize--will naturally tend to be exactly this kind of person: someone who moved to the state from far away and now moves far away from the state.
A tech dude from Indiana has a "California Dream." Working Californians--with more modest ambitions and trajectories, unable to just pick up and move away from their support systems--don't get glowing profiles as they pay more for worse housing farther away from their jobs.
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