this is a pretty good demonstration of how transportation activism fits in with other causes.
almost everyone with a car could get to a centre here - but that leaves out a lot of the young, old, disabled, working class, and residents of urban centres.
take me: i live in the centre of dundalk, a town with buses, and I have a bike, but no car. i should be in an excellent position to get to a vaccination center.

however, the ONE CENTRE in my county is outside blackrock — a village that's functionally a suburb of the town.
my options to get there — mid level 5, in one of the worst hit counties in a pandemic — are:
- take a taxi ✖️
- take a half hour bus ride✖️
- cycle as a beginner though categorically some of the most dangerous junctions in Ireland ✖️
- walk for an hour 🤷‍♂️
if i had a car, though? 9 minutes, easy.

they're tying people's ability to access healthcare to owning extremely expensive death & smog machines, as they have done for decades. and i'm lucky — donegal & mayo, much bigger and more rural counties, also only have one centre.
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