Claiming that it is fascistic for the LGB to organise without the T is like claiming that someone who sets up a donkey sanctuary is fascistic for excluding rabbits. Sexual attraction & gender identity are completely different things.
2/ Most people don’t even have a ‘gender identity’. The very nature of feminism is gender critical – feminism is about rejecting gendered stereotypes and prescribed gender roles.
3/ Feminism is not for everybody. Feminism is about women. Feminism is about rejecting women’s biological oppression. Feminism is not about applauding stereotypical feminine behaviour.
4/ There’s nothing wrong with someone being super feminine if they want to, but it is not a feminist act. There’s nothing wrong with a man having long hair and wearing a dress but claiming that this makes him a woman is insulting.
5/ A white woman who wore a sari and said it was because she was ‘Indian on the inside’ would be accused of cultural appropriation and more. But a man in a dress who claims to be a woman is brave and stunning.
6/ We have these double standards because of patriarchy. Nobody would fawn over a woman in her 40s or 50s who suddenly said she’d been a man all along.
7/ In fact, I only know of 2 late transitioning women. Two! Last week I had only heard of one. Why might that be?
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