I am devastated about the horrific consequences that Covid restrictions have on our society (which are ultimately killing more people than saving lives, not even to speak of the loss of our freedom & rights), but in particular the catastrophic consequences on our children… 1/5

I personally know 3 teenagers who tried to end their live in the past couple of months. God knows how many more there are….

A paediatric doctor I spoke to confirmed they are seeing a huge spike in numbers of teenage self-harm and suicide attempts…

A paediatric mental health nurse I spoke to revealed she sees 40 cases every month at the moment, where lockdown restrictions had a significant impact on the mental health issues the children were admitted with. She was absolutely devastated .…

We have turned into a barbaric society, harming the most vulnerable, our children, most. All along virtue signalling and going ‘yes sir, give me more’, like brainless lemmings.

I do not consent to any of this...

The Covid restrictions are disproportionate and in my professional opinion as a doctor defy medical reason.

Not even to speak about not being in keeping with a civilised and democratic society.
Please take note of above thread


And rest assured that we will not forget your role in this
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