Some personal observations on children and the use of tech during lockdown. My children are using it to complete school work (amazing) , interact with educators around the world, watch live cams of polar bears and underwater sea animals. They are listening to radio stations
in other languages. They are also using it to play games with friends and relations while facetiming in real time. They are constructing worlds, taking on roles, performing complicated cooperative tasks. They are learning to code.
They are learning about bots and trolls and how to play safely.They are doing things that they enjoy, researching topics of interest to them and communicating any concerns they have about other peoples online behaviour. They are also playing cards, hanging out with family IRL,
playing board games, drawing, reading, listening to music, dancing, building forts and all the other things that kids do.
The OECD says there is a misplaced fear around children's use of technology and much of it is hyped and unfounded.
Adults reaction to their use of tech could be more detrimental than their actual use of it.
At a time when most social outlets are closed for children mine are definitely making the best of what they have access to. My daughters reading has improved considerably as has her oral language. Right now, herself and her bother and her cousins are writing a story online where
they each have their own fully developed characters and role play these together. They are 5, 7, and 9 years old. That's good enough for me - for now. Later, we go for a cycle
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