As arguments about the interplay between the NI Protocol and TCA rumble on, it's time for a kind of typology of solutions

These are:
1️⃣ Turn-a-blind-eye
2️⃣ All-UK
3️⃣ Build-the-infrastructure

A quick 🧵
1️⃣ Turn-a-blind-eye

"Gove asks EU for extension of NI Protocol grace periods to 2023"

Basically everything agreed is too hard to do, grace periods to be extended long beyond April

Leads to legal uncertainty
Typical quote:
Michael Gove "It does not threaten the integrity of the EU single market to have bulbs ordered from a wholesaler in Scotland or England which will then be planted in a garden in Belfast or Ballymena."
Who wants it ✅
- 🇬🇧 Government (it avoids them having to do anything)
- Northern Irish unionists

Who doesn't like it ❌
- 🇪🇺 (due to legal uncertainty)
Typical quote:
Stephen Farry MP (Alliance Party) "I am calling on the UK Government to urgently seek a UK-EU veterinary agreement."
Who wants it ✅
- Northern Irish pragmatists

Who could live with it
- 🇪🇺 (it's admin hassle, but works)

Who doesn't like it ❌
- 🇬🇧 Government (they'd have to abandon their sovereignty at all costs Brexit)
Typical quote:
Maroš Šefčovič (in letter to Gove 10.2.2021): "The Border Control Posts (BCPs) or Entry Posts are not yet fully operational. Official controls at the BCPs are currently not performed in compliance with the Withdrawal Agreement Protocol..."
Who wants it ✅
- 🇪🇺

Who doesn't like it ❌
- Northern Ireland Unionists (means border in the Irish Sea)
- 🇬🇧 Government (there are high costs to doing it)
It is not correct to say there are no solutions to the problems posed by the NI Protocol and TCA

But each sort of solution is opposed by at least one of the main players

cc. @KeohaneDan

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