Trans women and men have always existed. Gender dysphoria is real. People who have it should be allowed to live as they identify without persecution.
Why though must they - especially transwomen - be validated as the same as biological women?
They are not biological women.
What is the need for this trans women are women sloganeering nonsense? Trans women are trans women- biological males. Common sense. Basic facts. Stating this is not transphobia
And discussing womens issues - cervical cancers, breastfeeding, child birth etc as womens issues is not transphobia either.
If the minuscule percentage of transmen need to be included in womens specific issues - they can be included as women and transmen. But the word 'woman' in itself is not transphobic and cannot be erased.
As the word men is certainly not being erased.
Those mainly campaigning to erase 'woman' from women specific issues are rabid trans women and their Male misogynistic allies.
Womanhood is not a feeling. And your feelings don't matter. What is being erased is womens rights to
Organise as a sex class and campaign for their own rights. That some liberal feminists have drunk the kool aid enough to presume to give away our hard won rights in the name of kindness is deplorable.
We are not birthing persons and menstustors. We still have much to campaign re government policy on many of these issues in many of our countries.
We're being discriminated against by our employers, societies, cultures, religions and governments precisely because we're women
Our biology and reproductive capacity plays a big role in that organised patriarchal repression and discrimination.
And our right to name it and address it hard on is being taken away from us in the name of trans rights. Particularly trans womens rights.
This movement has now reached obscene levels of repression against women.
The fact that Male rapists can self ID as women to get into women's prisons- and then continue to rape women from there - that this has happened repeatedly already yet we who call it out are the transphobes - just what the hell kind of world are we living in?
This is what you think is the right side of history? Seriously???
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