This is Sarah.

She's why I feel so strong after a year of treatment. During chemo she kept me moving, even when it was hard. Because of her, I got back on my feet faster and fitter.

All #cancer patients should be referred to an exercise physiologist, and have a fitness program.
Lots of people have asked me about my experience with #exercisephysiology, so here's a bit more detail:

I was lucky to be referred by my oncologist to Sarah who works at the Wellness Centre at the @kinghorncancer Centre. All cancer patients can get their visits to an EP ...
... subsidised by Medicare, once they have a chronic illness management plan, which can be arranged through a GP.

Exercise can be a huge advantage to #chemo patients: It helps counter the dreadful fatigue, and the brain fog, improves sleep, and keeps your appetite strong.
There is still a perception that patients undergoing chemo should take it easy, but that might not always be the case. Under Sarah's guidance I started weight training during chemo and was able to gain 2kg of muscle after I finished.
Without that, I would not be where I am now - at the gym every day, and feeling fitter than I was at diagnosis.

So to anyone going through chemo or supporting someone who is ... ask about being referred to an exercise physiologist.
And you can find more portraits of the amazing people who took care of me here: 
You can follow @MaryLloyd4.
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