1. TENSA ZANGETSU (Heaven Chain Slaying Moon), probably the most iconic sword in all anime and used by Ichigo.
The sword has taken many many forms, it allows Ichigo flight, speed, strength, releases a huge blast of spiritual pressure amongst many others.
2. DRAGON SLAYER from Beserk. Originally created to kill Dragons but being too long, thick and heavy, nobody could use it, until Guts showed up. This sword will cleave human, horses and demons in one swing, it's been bathed in so much demon blood it can even harm gods
3. EA aka "The Sword of Rupture" from Fate Stay/Night, used by Gilgamesh and stored in Babylon.
Don't let the blunt edges fool you this is a sword that can rip through the fabric of space and destroy an entire world. Gilgamesh would even rather die than use it on a weak opponent
4. TESSAIGA aka "Sword of Destruction" used by Inuyasha who's a demon human hybrid. Forged from his father's fang, it can destroy a hundred demons in one strike, absorb and repel energy attacks, shrink and grow at command like a weird erection and has many other forms.
5. TOUAKO BOKUTO a wooden sword crafted from the bark of a 10,000 year old tree on an alien planet and used by Sakata Gintoki from Gintama.
Although made from wood there's almost nothing he couldn't cut or break through like stone and iron walls, metal cannons and other swords.
6. SCISSOR BLADES aka The Rendering Scissors from Kill la Kill
They can be used separately or together, can change from the size of a normal scissor to a longer and more destructive form that can take down an entire city
I personally love this anime, goosebumps every episode
7. MURASAME from Akame ga Kill and used by Akame.
A poisonous blade that can kill with the lightest prick of the skin. Even Akame has to be careful when cleaning it. But apparently she can also cut herself and get a temporary power boost. The anime never explained how or why🤔
8. SAMAEHADA from Naruto was mostly used by Kisame, it can absorb a vast amount of chakra putting it's user on the same level as a jinchuriki, it cuts and also shreds, can partially or completely merge with its user to heal wounds or increase stamina and chakra and many more
9. BUSTER/FUSION SWORD from Final Fantasy used by Cloud Strife
At 6ft long and a foot wide it's a combination of 6 interlocking swords, can be used together or separately, nearly indestructible and can cut mostly anything even legendary weapons. Truly a sword to fantasize about
10. KURIKARA from Blue Exorcist and used by Rin Okumura the son of the Satan.
The blade was crafted by Mephistopheles the king of time, it has the power to seal demons and allows Rin channel his demon flames through it to release both short and long range fiery attacks.
Honourable Mention

Not an anime sword but it deserves to be on the list. A godly sword created by gods to kill gods and the parents of gods.
This sword ended the war with the Titans banishing them to Tartarus. Definitely the strongest weapon in GOW universe
Forged by the gods Odin, Ra and Rema from the power of righteousness extracted from the Emperor's spirit.
The blade's main purpose is to destroy Aku and defend the weak. It will cause no damage if used on an innocent person but hard enough to cut Adamantium
Thanks for reading, don't forget to like and comment your own favourite swords 🙂
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