What is depression?
This thread will define depression, mention its symptoms, causes and share ways in which we can help loved ones who might be depressed

Depression is a debilitating disorder that makes an individual to have a negative view of themselves and the world. Depression is sometimes called cancer of the soul, as the person dies inside whilst still being alive
Depression is a ruthless disorder as it causes those suffering from it to think that they're not loved, and makes them fell useless. They often feel as though they're attention seekers. Hence they isolate themselves a lot, to avoid being called that.
People suffering from depression do want help, but don't know how to reach out. They fear judgement, they fear being called 'weak' or 'spoilt' in other cases. Hence they never talk about their feelings. Or always say "I'm OK", even when they're not.
Depression can be defined through its symptoms, i.e having a negative view of oneself and of the world, sleep either a lot or less (insomnia), relentless headaches or lower back pain, lose pleasure in doing activities once loved & always feeling tired
The more the disorder progresses, the individuals start hating themselves and feel useless, worthlessness, they lose interest in sexual activity (low sex drive), feel very hopeless and constantly think about suicide.
The most dangerous thing about depression is that all these feelings or emotions tend to reinforce each other in a circular way i.e. Lack of sex drive reinforces feelings of worthlessness which in turn causes more lack of sex drive which in turn worsen the symptoms of depression
What causes it?
There are number of things that may cause depression, such as genetic predisposition, having an imbalance of neurochemicals in the brain, Continuous exposure to stressful situations.
Psychosocial factors such as unemployment, lack of social support. Child birth can also cause depression, (it's called Postnatal depression). Rejection from loved ones, relationships (mjolo), familial issues, work stress, debt and bereavement.
How then do we help our loved ones? As loved ones (friends/family) we need to give them love and show them support. Listen to them without judgement. Read up more on depression and share what we find with them. Show more compassion.
Things not to say to a person who's depressed:
1. Get over it
2. It's a feeling it'll go away
3. You're stronger than that
4. Man up
5. Stop being weak
6. Stop being a cry baby
7. Yho not this again
We all need a safe space to voice out our feelings. As family and friends we can always try to give them such, a safe environment by showing care and compassion.
For those who have depression, getting counseling is very important. You can get counseling from a social worker at the clinic, who can then refer you to a psychologist at your nearest hospital. This service is free of charge. There's also @TheSADAG for free telephonic counseling
It is very important to get diagnosed, as that sets a tone on how your therapy will go. Undiagnosed depression can have very bad ramifications.
Also read up more on depression, the more knowledge you have, the less likely of it overwhelming you.
Exercise, eat healthy, read enriching books, watch Ted talks on YouTube, keep a diary, fill your week up with activities.

You can do this, you can beat depression.
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