What will y’all do once coastal wokes go YIMBY tho?
How will you justify your irritation with niggerlovers then...?
I am being, um, harsh. But idk a lot of like “ugh this is fake NIMBY upscale wokeness” gives me “aight tho but are you mad at the NIMBY or are you also mad at people making an ethical claim on you...?”
To clarify (read: soften) a little more, I guess what I’m saying is that a lot of these wokes don’t have trouble accepting the surface level claims of anti racism precisely because they aren’t (as) reliant on whiteness as a key part of their “why I am a good person” story.
But where antiracist claims do violate their “why I am a good person” story is in the area of housing segregation and “neighborhood character” and all. But rather than saying “oh my god, a white person had trouble giving up aspects of racism that benefit them personally”...
Why don’t we say “oh good! These white people are already 75% of the way bought in, now we can leverage that buy in to get them all the way there! How exciting!”
But instead it is leveraged for intra-Caucasian class struggles (and not even really poor ppl vs rich, but really elite overproduction high-status upper middle class vs low status middle class type issues but w/e) which like fine we’re all human, but.
Idk. I just don’t get where this style of YIMBY whites dragging NIMBY whites for being “fake woke” has anything to do with Black folks or marginalized folks in general. Seems like a y’all problem to me. Maybe that’s ungenerous of me or whatever.
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