This trend of "bored white suburban wives uploading food cringe to TikTok from their McMansions just to feel something instead of just getting a vibrator and a coke habit like a sensible person" is TERF-adjacent. It comes from the same place of petite bourgeois ennui.
When GCs get down to what "womanhood" means to them and why trans women could never understand it almost always comes down to their own upper middle class ennui. Their "women problems" are usually "I hate my husband kids because they don't help me clean our giant house".
I had to look up half the words in this reply. The fuck is a "gym kit"? Who the fuck has a "rabbit hutch"? These aren't "women problems" they're upper middle class white soccer mom problems.

Do they really think that transfems don't do housework?
The suburban white wives who turn brazen food waste into rageclicks on TikTok from inside their gigantic marble-lined kitchens are the same people pushing for puberty blockers to be snatched out of the hands of trans children and 20+ years ago they were fighting gay marriage.
Special thanks to @della_morte_ for helping me to pluck my thoughts about the political and economic dimension of these TikToks out of the aether and crystallize them. Della pointed out that these TikToks come from the same type of women who showed up to Trump's insurrection.
Special thanks to @cearo_thyme for pointing out how the food waste on display here specifically is indicative of the level of privilege at play.
Special thanks to @DJNebulous for pointing out that these same people are also the core of the anti-vaxx movement for the same reasons they do the rest of this crap.
Special thanks to @dreamingnoctis for pointing out that the "mini rich" as she calls them are the core of all these interwoven reactionary movements.
- I sincerely love all the reactions that are like "I thought this was a shitpost at first but she's actually making a good point!"
- I fucked up, the "mini rich" thing was Della's too, sorry Della
- Yes I see the typo and it's fucking killing me
I thought that the phrase "I had to look up half the words" would imply that I had, past tense, looked them up, but I guess thanks to all the helpful people in the replies explaining them?
Wow people really fixated on the fucking rabbits didn't they
OK yes apparently poor people keep rabbits too I stand corrected on that one tree now may I direct your attention back to the fucking forest
The takeaway isn't "Only rich ladies have these problems", it's "these are the *worst* problems rich ladies have by their own admission which is indicative of their narrow view and ignorance about most people who live outside their immediate experience which fuels GC crap"
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