💡Reopening indoor dining after #COVID19 cases dropped during lockdown & hoping no outbreaks... is like switching back to eating bacon 🥓 after dropping your cholesterol from eating vegetarian for 1 month, and hoping bacon doesn’t hurt your arteries again.
2) Gentle reminder how a student in South Korea got infected in a restaurant from >20 feet away in just 5 min from an asymptomatic person. Indoor dining - do you trust epidemiologists & aerosol scientists, or trust a Governor who is under political pressure from restaurants? https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1337391610657710081
3) Ventilation is critical in any indoor building. If any policy leader advocates indoor activity of any sort, they need to regulate and require sufficient ventilation. Even if masked.
4) AIRBORNE & NO MASK: Why Opening Restaurants Is Exactly What #SARSCoV2 Wants Us to Do

Reopening indoor dining before vaccinations become widespread could create superspreading playgrounds for variants & squander getting pandemic under control. #COVID19 https://www.propublica.org/article/why-opening-restaurants-is-exactly-what-the-coronavirus-wants-us-to-do/amp?__twitter_impression=true
5) “Until we recognise that #COVID19 is airborne we are setting ourselves up for repeated failure”

P.s. they don’t use masks in video because Australia 🇦🇺 is at almost #ZeroCovid #COVIDisAirborne
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