As a single who doesn’t care much for Valentine’s day (even when NOT single), this day doesn’t phase me, but I have had a lot of female friends ask me for tongue in cheek ‘Anti-Valentines’ horror movie suggestions. They enjoyed them. Maybe you will too.

I shall start with the wild, wonderful and weird world of teen Lady Monsters (or as I like to call them, Monstresses)! Don’t worry, the more scary Lady Monsters are coming.
A quartet of creepy little girl monsters are next! Supernatural only, so Orphan doesn’t count (but is definitely worth the watch).
Want some takes on female sexual need or horniness as monstrous? Try these! It Follows was a bit more intangible than monstrous, but honorable mention. There are also some that are clearly about sex, even if they’re not ABOUT sex. May make them their own mention.
How about some truly horrifying, non-supernatural lady monsters/killers?
Moms as monstrous? Oh, you betcha! Plenty to go around. Again, still supernatural here, so honorable mention to Pamela Vorhees in Friday the 13th, but she WAS human.
Did you know there were a bunch of movies about women becoming obsessed with surgery, torture or cannibalism? Cause, there are. Psychosexual body horror goes there A LOT. Also, Neon Demon warrants mention but isn’t my cup o’ horror.
A woman possessed is a category all its own. We already mentioned the most famous, The Exorcist, but here are some others. This category could include 20 films, let’s be honest. I’ve put four here and may include more.
Horror movies with phenomenal female leads that I don’t think get nearly enough love, mostly because they kindof stand alone and without comparison? Here yah go! (Sidenote, these posters and their red theme look GOOD together!)
While there are already plenty of movies DIRECTED by women mentioned above, here are some more with badass ladies behind the lens too, female lead or not. American Psycho honorable mention as well, cause duh. Excited to see Nia Dacosta’s Candyman when that comes out too!
Found footage Lady Horror is also a very full place. Here are some faves. Some, clearly more well known/tread than others.
Sorry, had to shower. Ok, lady lead or ladycentric claustrophobia horror is also it’s own thing. The Descent is an all-time favorite, but the others will do in a pinch.
Last but certainly not least, women trying to protect kids. Here, I give you ‘GET AWAY FROM HER, YOU BITCH!’. Others mentioned before also fall here (Though Us, Mama and Babadook may be exceptions, as they are both endangering and protecting)
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