Since Deutsche AG and their rep Angela still believe they are having a honeymoon with the CCP genocider, let me use their Siemens’s involvement in Chinese high-speed rails as a classic case of how CCP’s forced technology transfers make Western companies dig their own graves.
Western companies salivated over the Chinese HSR market of hundreds of billions of $, and competed against each other in lowering prices and conceding in technology transfers. Doesn’t this sound free, voluntary, with no force involved?
Imagine this: the USG asks Google, Microsoft, and Amazon to bid for cloud computing services of billions of $ with sharing their software and hardware technologies as a bidding factor, then use the transferred technologies to compete against them. Fair?
This is exactly what the CCP has been doing for decades while Western governments watched their countries’ firms robbed and beaten without doing anything (except for some lip service) until someone called Trump showed up.
CCP’s firms started to try digging graves of those firms that transferred technologies to them about 10 years ago by competing against them internationally with their Premier Li as the chief marketing officer though receiving all kinds of resistance understandably.
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