On 9 February 2021 - the major US health company, the Centene Corporation, took over up to 40 GP surgeries in London run by AT Medics Limited under 34 APMS contracts, and a small number of NHS Standard Contracts.
Why did the 13 CCGs allow this happen?
In an interesting twist Operose/ Centene has also been advising CCGs on Integration/ (new word for privatisation) and hovering up GP premises. Operose/ Centene has control of more than 70 GP practices throughout England - check out who controls your GP surgery, records, care
If your practice is listed here it has been taken over by US corporate- Centene/Operose/ AT medics https://www.atmedics.com/where-we-work/  write to your MP, local councillors, health scrutiny,CCG AND DEMAND THE CONTRACT IS SUSPENDED and CCGs oppose the change in control. -
Check out Centene in the US and the multimillion law suits and settlements for shifting risks and costs of care to patients through denial of care. How do shareholders make their profits/
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