okay every few months i tweet about this but it really weirds me out when people wanna call seven annika bc like.....a. she chooses to not be called that and 2. the only time we see people call her that on the show is to use it against her..........so wyd
y'all ever heard of deadnames or, like, reclaiming words???............that's literally what this is her name is seven stop being weird and acting like you're doing something by calling her annika in your fics/tweets/etc STOP
i get that people think reclaiming her humanity would include reclaiming that name but also consider she wouldn't relate to that name? that isn't her. and i think it's kind of empowering to think that she takes her designation, something forced upon her, and makes it her own
i'm watching day of honor for a different project but in this episode janeway literally asks if seven would prefer to be called annika and she says no but consents to being called seven so. there u have it
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