Here's the weird thing about the absolute silence--from Greenwald, from Poitras, from The Intercept, from Freedom of the Press Foundation--regarding the Snowden overt act in the CFAA charge.

There's a real arg that it helps the Assange as dissident argument.
If you believe Snowden is a hero, then Assange helping him to flee (ignore the Russia part, for the moment) is helping a hero. Illegal, sure, but heroic. Historically so.

1) Some people--a lot of people--are commenting on an indictment they haven't read. That's not journalism.

2) Others are willfully ignoring that part to sustain the Assange = journalism argument, thereby misleading abt charges. Also not journalism.
What I don't understand is how EVERY SINGLE person with a colorable tie to Snowden (unless you consider my attenuated tie to him) can comment on the indictment w/o disclosing it.
I'm somewhat sympathetic to the Assange = dissident view, which is truthful (for current charges), unlike the current Assange as journalist argument.

Except the organized silence abt the Snowden part raise real questions I didn't use to have.
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