
Staking $ATOM is like owning an ASIC miner on a proof of work chain but on steroids. Hear me out:

Currently #network rewards come primarily from the fixed #protocol parameters ie 7%-20% dynamic inflation. We are now sitting at the bottom 7%.
The staked ratio is at 66.48%. Meaning that many $ATOM are staked in the network. Once this number drops below 66% the inflation slowly goes up back to 20%. Meaning you earn more inflation rewards as a staker.
So far all clear? Great.
With #IBC coming and the Hub delivering on its role as the interchain port. We can expect billions of transactions to be routed through the Hub in the coming years. These fees will go to $ATOM delegators.
At some point these fees will be so substantial that they will become far more than the current APY thats primarily coming from the inflation alone.
Holding $ATOM is like owning an ASIC on a POW chain but on steroids. Literally.
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