Why yes, today we are gonna speak about why Texas is a meme state and should be treated as such: a thread and story
>1930s, Red River between Oklahoma and Texas
>Toll bridge company operates a bridge between the two states
>a new, free bridge goes up between the two states not too far away
>all is going to plan, until company files injunction against texas to stop bridge opening
>prior to free bridge opening, texas legislature agreed to purchase the old toll bridge to keep the business from collapsing
>this is upheld in court
>texas halts all traffic on free bridge until they can close out toll bridge contract
>send texas rangers to enforce order
>enter Oklahoma Governor Alfalfa "Wild Bill" Murray
>absolute chad of a man
>noted racist, anti-semite
>opened an Oklahoma Colony in South America
>expect free bridge to open up
>Oklahoman citizens are being charged for inter-state commerce
>this will not stand
>Murray orders Oklahoma national guard activated to ensure free movement of Oklahomans
>shows up himself with a revolver on his hip, patrolling the bridge
>orders Texas blockade to be destroyed in the middle of the night on the free bridge
>Texans rebuild barricade on free bridge
>Murray orders the Oklahoma approach to the toll bridge destroyed, rendering travel nearly impossible
>Feds step in, preventing either side from restricting movement
>toll bridge case eventually settled
>it is later remembered that Oklahoma actually owns the entire red river, with the border actually being on the south bank of the river
>Oklahoma would have had to pay for the bridge
>Texans cant read maps and wound up paying for it instead
>dispute made national news
>international as well
>Hitler believed a squabble over a bridge was the next civil war
Texans will cope, seethe and dilate over this
Doesn't matter
"Decisive Oklahoman Victory"
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