I was there twenty years ago at the beginning of digital art. It was electric, creativity sparking off connection and innovation.

This feels like then.
Let me share some vibes from different eras along the way.

Here's some stuff I made during the early Depthcore 3D abstract boom, 2002-2003.
After a few solid years making the same piece in different colours I worked out you could add photography to 3D, so I did that for a few hundred pieces.

Then I worked out you could actually make artwork entirely out of photos. When in doubt... add more photos!

Realised you could also do stuff with photos of people. A revelation! Made so many pieces with @CKnightPhoto we had ourselves a solo exhibition in Melbourne in 2009.
Found a strange middle ground where I somehow played with all this shit at the same time and got rather confused about it all... also made the piece with the heart which you probably recognise from one of the thousand shithead's on soundcloud who ripped it off.

2011 - 2012
Went in to a lull for a bit where I made awful crap I won't share here.

Ended up doing a 365 called Facets ( http://facets.la ) from 2013-2014, which was a really fucking good idea. Here's some of the abstract stuff you might remember from it (yes, I made Ghosts II).
Making a piece every day for a year I landed on a new geometric style that became synonymous with the Facets project and ended up being all that anyone wanted to see for quite a while...
One day I took that style and made Darth Vader. Unbeknownst to me this would result in me making every fucking super hero ever.

2014 - 2016
I revisited abstract 3D and found some fun new geometric approaches once I got octane in 2014.

2014 - 2016
I'd been freelance fulltime since 2007, but client work started really blowing up at this time, so I found myself refining more than exploring for a bit.

The last big stylistic exploration I did was in to more figurative 3D when creating artwork for my band @bookclubbk. You should listen to our music.


Right before I took my job as CCO @DeviantArt i started synthesising some of this stuff into different vibes.

Working full time my art production slowed down heaps. I still managed to crank out some portraits and get to a passable level illustrating other humans.

Which more or less brings us to now, and the art I made for The Second Storm. Looking back at all that can kinda see how we ended up here. 20 years... don't they got by in a blink?

Thanks for tripping with me gang. Circle the 18th eh?
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