Gonna say it and keep saying it: vitamin D is a reverse acute phase reactant and also is low in most chronic disease. It stands to reason the lower the vitamin D the more someone is at risk of hospitalization or dying from COVID, but the low vitamin D is a marker for other issues
Massive vitamin D supplementation has never been shown to help any condition except frank vitamin D deficiency. Take your pills in the winter but there is not some massive conspiracy against vitamin D among physicians.
I will say that I have caught hyperparathyroidism 3x in people who start supplementing and a ton of cognitive and joint pain issues get worse so there’s that.
If something is a reverse acute phase reactant sometimes you gotta wonder if there is a good reason the body ratchets down 25 (OH) vit D3 when you are sick.
questions about the hyperparathyroidism...there’s a lot of overlap between refractory depression and pain/fibromyalgia and brain fog just keep your ears open, because all those are symptoms of hyperparathyroidism too. If just started vit D or you measure a vit D and super low...
Be suspicious and get a calcium level.
Honestly this is the hardest part of telepsych. Mailing labs. Not being able to see people and their complexion and how they walk and if they have nicotine stains on their fingers or if their buttons are buttoned. I feel like I’m missing a lot of medical stuff.
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