Broke: retvrn to tradition
Woke: Transhumanism
Bespoke: M O N K E
more pacifically:

tradition has led us to where we are
if tradition were good, how did we fall out of it? tradition does not cover enough of actual human needs to be a fulfilling enough solution for enough people to *remain* indefinitely lindy
better is to look at pushing our boundaries and progressing into realms unexplored

a big problem with humans interacting with each other is that we *want different stuff*
the transhumanist approach is to expand to where there is more space to be different
that can work to get us to a basic level of peaceful coexistence where we aren't trying to murder each other *quite* so much
but doesn't actually get us all the way up the hierarchy of needs

monke has existed for *millions of years* and has done so by knowing how to be naturally
was thinking of this earlier when recalling some people discussing "deoderant is an op"

the idea being: you shouldn't *need* deoderant, you should just smell fine naturally, if not something is wrong
And that's something that monke has evolved to figure out
point of order: monkes have the same "this monke smells more sexually attractive than that one" drive that we do
we are repulsed by smells *by our nature*, and yet monkes get mad jiggy
so there are ways to smell acceptable, even totally in nature
by covering yourself with artificiality, you distance yourself from genetic memory
every cell in your body has been constructed from your DNA, and your DNA is the product of a great long optimization process, so maybe it knows some stuff
So monke is the ultimate? Of course not

What made monke? How did your DNA come to be?
That underlying universal energy, the pattern that exists between the atoms
Surely that has even deeper lessons encoded in its ways
In principle, the underyling physical mechanisms that cause us to exist beat to the same tune no matter where you go
So you are just as well equipped to become suddenly enlightened wherever you sit, whatever you do
In practice, working with other people seems to speed this process up by an order or two of magnitude

This disparity should tell you something about the human condition
In theory, theory and practice are no different.
In practice, they are.
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