A thread: What can tech companies do to eradicate racial abuse online? Up for debate, keen to hear people’s thoughts. Will run a clubhouse room on this in the coming weeks also.

1. Remove monkey and other emojis which can be used in racial slurs.
2. Invest heavily into tech/scrapers within social platforms searching actively for racial abuse. Just how they invest millions into listening software to predict our behaviour for ads. (Watch social dilemma to see how they do this)
3. Countries where ID / bank cards are easily accessible, implement account ownership verification process.

4. Ban and delete users which are found to post racial abuse. Source IP and block IP address from opening another account (similar to PayPal scam blocks via IP)
5. Those stupid enough to show their identity when racially abusing online must be legally punished far more fiercely than they are currently.

However fundamentally and sadly we seem to still need to educate people.. Social Media has just given a voice to racists to be heard.
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