A thread on the Anti-Racist University: As universities embark in drafting anti-racist plans, I want to urge administrators to invest less time on task forces, meetings and memos and take a look at the racism in their hiring practices,
the racism in their tenure and promotion practices, the racism of the lens through which they see the work of BIPOC faculty, particularly those of us working on Black and ethnic studies fields, newer or smaller fields, interdisciplinary or non-traditional fields,
the racism that produces the unequal service load for BIPOC women and the racism that allows them to make the work that we do invisible, unquantifiable and unworthy of compensation. I also urge my white colleagues in traditional fields to take a hard look at how
the systemic racism that leads to BIPOC oppression in your campus is directly benefiting you as a white faculty. Your complicity in the system is a huge part of the problem, therefore any solution is going to require you giving up some of that privilege.
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