The Military Children … ! #Thread #Thoughts
My vehicle stopped at Division Headquater for regular checking. Peshawar was sunny n I was reminded of so fond memories associated to the place. One of a dear senior had returned from a forward tenure for a duty n had called me for tea. Like always a big smile n gr8 hug welcomed
While we were talking,two kids entered,saw my senior, rushed to him with loud expressions. complete dis regard of where we were.they hugged warmy,smiled n talked. we greeted n talked but they were all about their father . holding hands and talking. the love and intensity visible
My senior said. Do u know each day when dey wake up on my holiday? What's the first question dey ask. Baba gaye to nahi?its always that I leave prior to when they wake up. so wen they wake up n I am not around, few days is a mess for my wife but if I am around it’s a happy cycle
Wat a life it is for them? waiting for us for months? yearning for our company n waking up with a fear dat father will leave?missing us at so many places. To some it’s a horrible experience , receiving us one day wrapped in a flag . A hero to so many,a life long struggle for them
He looked at me , n what a terrible experience it is for us . to miss that warm embrace , those holding of hands ,their smiles , funny talks or few peculiar things . With no surety of our return . living between prayers , love notes , pics , memories and hopes
I noded,I recalled a young captains at spin wam story. His family was expecting but prior to schedule family was rushed to hospital,while he had already received an order to conduct an IBO as lead for two terrorist had come. A difficult scenario here,an unsure situation back home
while his party made departing check n prayer.He prayed For the soul coming n for his mission too! it was a mix emotion until the final salutes were done and they moved out . Two terrorist commanders were killed that day by that party but it wasn’t a happy news back at home .
He had been blessed with a baby boy but with complications. Some lung issue n young soul was on vent . Op completed, he moved with out waiting for dawn . he had to cater for another frontier . The son complication grew in coming days but he remained firmed, committed n devoted
The issue of his son remains yet the hero serves dere. To so many , from outside , its such an easy world . judging us by so many gleaming things while the real life, battles and issue remain different . I remembered those kids intense smiles n recalled numerous un told stories
Dear Army children,we may not have given u all the time,or have remained at a distance or given U those scars of never finishing separation,we are sure U understand our lives,duty n mission. U are a part of us,our dearest identity,our precious possesions.our support,our Soliders
This is Just not a profession but a life, its not duty but a sacred trust n we are proud that you are part of us in this duty . that you realize that sole purpose of all of us is to serve Pakistan and we r doing it together. Thank you military children . May God be with you
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