You know - was thinking about this, this morning. It's better in a lot of ways that the Impeachment trial ended the way it did. I do think a portion of 43 GOP Senators kicked the can down the road, but it's probably for the best for Federal, state and local prosecution efforts -1
Facts can be brought to the light of day in a more clinical environment without being politically tainted or spun. I'm guessing juries would almost have to be sequestered in our hyper partisan political environment -2
For one thing, jurors would have to bear witness to evidence. No map doodling, reading books, not showing up. Jurors will be required to be impartial (no small feat I imagine) and the strength of a conviction will be apolitical -3
And our representatives in the Legislative could be called to the stand and be made to testify and members of Capitol Police can testify without being the target of political vitriol by members of the Senate -4
This outcome may be the right thing for all the wrong reasons, the wrong reasons being our political climate -5
In the meantime, we call for prosecution in all application jurisdictions, we push for Senate and Congressional term limits and most importantly, we push challenges of all GOP races from local government up in the districts of states whose Senators and Congressmen let us down. -6
In Florida, you can find a list of state-wide races here:

Your local Democrats can help you with races closes to home. -7
Some of the very same people calling the Senate trial a circus were the ones acting like clowns. Let's send the clowns, all the clowns home. Turn your anger into resolve, roll up your sleeves, find a club or caucus dear to your heart. Engagement is the only way to change -8
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