It always trips me out when I am reminded that the Euro version of LEGEND (1985) had a soundtrack by Jerry Goldsmith and the American version had a soundtrack by Tangerine Dream.

It's wild to think of just having two completely different soundtracks.
Don't get me wrong -- I think Jerry Goldsmith was incredible. His soundtrack to Chinatown, especially the love theme, is one of my favorites.

I saw Legend in an American theatre when it was released and the Tangerine Dream + Yes + Brian Ferry soundtrack was so good.
i don't think the jerry goldsmith score here is BAD. it feels like classic hollywood (surprise) but the vibe is way different imo.
Also all of the unicorn cries (whale calls) are cut out of this version which is weird. In the TD/US theatrical version, the unicorn sounds in the background remind you/Lily that they're still in danger. A nice detail ~*
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