Watch the pathetic responses (actually lack thereof) by @CDCDirector to the very good questions by @jaketapper

It is clear that she does not believe in what she is saying. If that is the case, please resign @CDCDirector . Don't facilitate the kids being held hostage... (1/x)
She says when there are cases in school:

1. It is from the community,
2. It does not get transmitted to others in schools,

So those cases will happen anyway and will not spread further in a school.

Why on earth are the school closed then?!!! (2/x)
There has been a lot of stupidity in the past year. Most were because of fear. This is different.

This is happening only because of political pressure by unions, and the damage is way deeper than any other stupid policy we have endured over the past year... (3/x)
Maybe we should start a fundraising campaign and match the amount of donations the admin is receiving from unions. After all, seems like they are up for sale. Yeah, if we outbid the unions, maybe we can get our kids in school.

I am no longer seeking to see any decency... (4/x)
I am calling on everyone to make your voices heard. Enough is enough. Call your reps. Call your school boards, your superintendents. Let them know that there will be consequences to this stupidity. Threaten to take your kids from school. Make some noise... (5/x)
I am also personally starting a Twitter campaign. From now on, I am adding the hashtag #endthechildabuse to all of my tweets. Because this is what it is. It is child abuse on a massive scale... (6/x)
Even if it is just me, I will continue doing it. But I would appreciate if people with a large follower base spread the word and support me. Kids need us to be their champions. Seems like those who ought to be have abandoned them... (7/7)

#endthechildabuse @CDCgov @WhiteHouse
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