What’s happening right now with the JNF-KKL illustrates in microcosm the American Jewish establishment’s complicity in enabling Israel’s endless military occupation of the West Bank.
The JNF-KKL has operated in the occupied territories for years, but typically through subsidiaries that do the dirty work of evicting Palestinian families and buying land. American Jewish orgs. have known this, but have continued to send funds to the JNF-KKL anyway.
As long as the settlement activity was “indirect,” it was permissible—part of an approach that insists on the “temporariness” of the occupation despite its obvious indefinite-ness. It was OK because some day, far in the future, some final status resolution will sort things out.
Now, the Israeli leadership of the JNF-KKL is saying, “why don’t we just admit what we’re doing anyway.” It is also saying, “why don’t we do away with the illusion that there will be a two-state solution.”
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