Analyzing Fred's importance to Manchester United, a thread:
It is natural for our fanbase to scapegoat our player after a few hefty performances especially when the player's associate is comparitively having a many good moments. It is our latest case, people have been critical of Fred to the point where they want him out/dropped
It was to the point where it seemed to me that people are underlooking his offerings and importance to the team which is what prompted me to make this thread over him which will specifically cover his strengths and why he's our #1 pivot choice and most reliable player
This thread will analyze:

-Fred's role in our team

-His ball progression and verticality

-Ability to resist pressure

-His most valuable off ball trait i.e Pressing

-The multiple solutions he offers us
First of all to understand his role into United's XI it is important to have a clear idea of how the team functions on the field. In simple words, manutd like most teams rely on the creativity and brilliance of players like Rashford, Martial, Bruno in the final third
Our attacking players have immense freedom in the last third and the usual pattern is the quick interplay bw the forwards to bypass oppositions and score goals. This peaked post lockdown where we witnessed the best of MMM + Bruno, however we use the flanks wisely now as well
One way or another the three phases of play in buildup, progression and creation are applied to every team in the world and to enter one phase, you have to bypass the former. All teams want to progress play in the final third quickly so their attacking players create further
Unfortunately though this has been our problem for years now and is still one even though there has been massive improvement lately. United struggle to progress the ball as we've seen many times this season and in 19/20 as well. It happens usually vs low blocks like WBA, BUR, WOL
The double pivot plays the most important part in ball progression and Scott Mctominay isn't the best at it even though he's improving day by day. However the United coaching staff can't coach quick rotations which helps gravely in getting the ball higher up the field
To give the perfect example look at how Tuchel came in, coached quick rotations between days and it massively impacted Kovacic and Jorginho's vertical passing. Mancity are the best in the league in rotating quickly and this is why you always find their forwards in diff places
Now watch the Chelsea players move/rotate to open passing lanes, we don't witness these movements and quick rotations in our team which hassles ball progression
This is where Fred enters as he is one of the best vertical passers in the league, I can only call Thiago better than him. This is map of Bruno's pass reception zones and we see that he receives in high areas as Fred finds him
This is what Mctominay does not specialize in, which forces Bruno to drop deep which technically isn't best for the team as you'd like him in high areas. To add more context Fred average 6.26 passes in the final third per 90 which is one of the best in the league
This is why Fred is absolutely crucial to us and is one of the best midfielders in the world when it comes to breaking lines and finding your offensive players. There's a reason why he cost 50M. This season Fred has averaged 5.92 progressive passes per 90 which is again immense
To emphasize more on Fred's verticality, here is his second half from the Southampton game (A). He was shaky in the first 45 but the second half of the game, he was breaking lines for fun
Now lets focus on another important aspect of Fred's gameplay which is his ability to deal pressure. Contrary to popular opinion, Fred is our most press resistant player along with Shaw. His first touch lets him down at times but that doesn't dismiss his great ability
Troy Deeney said that Watford targeted Fred because he took to many touches of the ball and wanted to force turnovers. This is normal for a player who's first instinct to get the ball in the higher areas of the field. Fred is in reality resistant but yes he's been scratchy lately
Fred also offers multiple solutions to buildup as well. Given the menacing forward passer he is combined with his ability to play quick 1/2 he would fall between the centre backs to offer against a press or to help with ball progression. He dropped frequently vs Leicester (A)
But the most important thing to point out is that he offers impeccably dropping at the left side of the back-3 in buildup as Maguire doesn't use his left foot well to find angled passes. Fred offers mastery in that regard as he somewhat plays the role of a left footed LCB
Lastly, let's discuss Fred's defensive prowess. He's a proactive presser and an excellent ball hassler although the pivot with Scott means you have two players who like to come out which disrupts defensive structure. In truth Fred is one of the best in Europe at pressing
Fred's pressing vs the first home game against Leipzig was crazy. He was involved in 4/5 goals. Fred averages 23.9 pressures per 90 with a success rate of 7.14 and a succesful pressure % of 29.8. One of the best in Europe at what he does, although he isn't the best on transitions
Again here, not to mention he had Neymar in his pocket in the first game vs PSG. Fred is an enormous pressing machine
Since we're speaking about the defensive aspects of Fred then might as well highlight that he is excellent in intercepting and anticipating loose balls. He gets 5.03 tackles + interceptions per 90. Only Anguissa, Kante and Ndidi average higher than Fred (Holding midfielders)
While we're at it. I'll mention why our best on ball pivot doesn't work because Pogba is not the best in a midfield two at covering spaces so he really shouldn't to left behind while Fred is usually proactively pressing.
So this is why the two can't co exist. It's also why Mc-Fred is our strongest and #1 pivot choice however it's too much responsibility on Fred on the ball and Mctominay and Fred don't complement each other defensively due to their aggressive nature
With this I'll conclude: Fred is a fantastic midfield player who's having a few shaky moments as of late. He's one of our best players, which is why he starts nearly every game. Without Fred/and when Pogba is not playing, United struggle massively on the field, he's important.
All data taken from @fbref
Special thanks to @utdarena for the daily content they produce

Hats off to @Iuccqs too as his work on Fred made this thread much easier for me
And @chelseayouth as well!!
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